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Condor Griffe

فلاشة كوندور Griffe G4 PGN-513

فلاشة كوندور Griffe G4 PGN-513

Flash condor Griffe G4 PGN-513

تحميل فلاشة كوندور Griffe G4 PGN-513

Griffe G4 PGN-513
Griffe G4 PGN-513

بيانات العملية

Waiting for USB Port…
Set MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM Port (COM3)
Please Hold “ON” to connect with the phone…
Connected to Phone.
CPU: MT6580 SW:0000 Ver: CA00
Downloading Boot8 …
EMMC Size: 0x03A3E00000
Flash Type: EMMC
INT/EXT RAM Size: 0x0+0x0
Reading preloader…
Reading pgpt…
Reading proinfo…
Reading nvram…
Reading protect1…
Reading protect2…
Reading seccfg…
Reading lk…
Reading boot…
Reading recovery…
Reading para…
Reading logo…
Reading expdb…
Reading frp…
Reading nvdata…
Reading metadata…
Reading oemkeystore…
Reading secro…
Reading keystore…
Reading system…
Reading cache…
Reading userdata…
Reading flashinfo…
Saving as scatter file…

إضغط هنا لي تحميل الفلاشة

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